I was researching the history of the Traditional Yorkies...
Did you know Yorkies came from a mixture of 4 dogs? The Clydesdale Terrier, Paisley Terrier, Skye Terrier & Airedale Terrier. These 4 made the Yorkieshire Terriers we have today... I was looking at the Airedale terrier puppies and you can see why yorkie puppies are born black & tan, along with different hair textures. They take their shortness and long hair from the other 3 breeds... Pretty Cool! Thought I would share... #Dogbreeds #yorkiehistory #moringaYorkieTerriers #yorkieancestors Our Cesar looks very similar to the Clyesdale Terrier which is now sadly (extinct) with naturally standing ears and rare silver coats..
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An Abandoned Yorkie Was Found Caring For Her Two Babies...
BOTH KITTENS! Here’s a story that proves a mother’s love knows no boundaries. A Yorkshire terrier was found abandoned in cage in a neighbor’s yard and she wasn’t alone. She had two little kittens that she had been caring for as her own. She was even nursing them. Photographer Robyn Arouty heard about them through a friend. She immediately went to find them with her camera in hand. She took photographs of them and posted the story to her website RobynArouty.com. http://www.lifebuzz.com/yorkie-and-kittens/?p=1&utm_source=vs&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pits&fp=vs&scc=VA&ref=www.gotolifebuzz.com Just when you think you’ve seen it all. #1 – Turmeric Is Anti-Inflammatory
You may be thinking inflammation is only a problem for dogs with joint disease … but chronic, hidden inflammation is a silent killer. It’s the root of nearly all disease. Cancer, arthritis, allergies, kidney disease, dental disease, digestive disease … it’s all caused by inflammation. Not all inflammation in the body is a bad thing. If your dog is exposed to viruses or bacteria, acute inflammation will release white blood cells to the body tissues and start the healing process. But chronic inflammation – the kind of low-grade inflammation that stays for weeks, months and even years – is the real culprit behind most degenerative and inflammatory health issues in your dog. Researchers are finding that heart disease can be linked to dental disease. Chronic bladder infections can lead to bladder cancer. And they’re finding that chronic low-grade inflammation is a major driver of joint degeneration. A 2014 study found that the curcumin found in turmeric (its active ingredient) outperformed ibuprofen in people with arthritis. But turmeric doesn’t just control the inflammation in joint disease … Another 2004 study in Oncogene found that curcumin (as well as resveratrol) worked just as well as anti-inflammatory drugs … and worked better than both aspirin and ibuprofen. Inflammation is the key driver of most disease in the body … and turmeric is one of the best natural anti-inflammatories either nature or medicine has to offer. Keep this in mind as we look at the next few reasons to give your dog turmeric. #2 – Turmeric Can Treat And Prevent Cancer So we know that chronic inflammation can lead to cancer and turmeric is a powerful antioxidant. And a UK study showed that curcumin could stop the precancerous changes from becoming cancer. So turmeric can help prevent cancer. But turmeric can also treat cancer naturally. Nearly 1/3 of the studies done on turmeric are cancer research … and the results are very promising. It’s ben shown to kill cancer cells and prevent more from growing. The American Cancer Society claims “Curcumin interferes with cancer development, growth, and spread. Recently, curcumin has received a great deal of focus because of it’s ability to reduce tumor size and kill cancer cells. Half of adult dogs today will get cancer, so turmeric could be a great way to protect your dog from inflammation and cancer. #3 – Turmeric Can Relieve Arthritis Pain We know that arthritis is the result of inflammation and turmeric can decrease inflammation in the body. But it can also relieve the pain and stiffness in arthritis … better than conventional pain medications. In 2014 a group of researchers in Thailand published a study comparing the effects of curcumin vs ibuprofen treatment in patients with knee osteoarthritis. They found that curcumin worked just as well as ibuprofen to reduce pain … but without the gastrointestinal side effects experienced by the patients who took ibuprofen. Which brings us to the next benefit … #4 – Turmeric Can Treat Gastrointestinal Disorders Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects can be helpful in treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) as well as other gastrointestinal disorders. It’s been shown in several preclinical studies and uncontrolled clinical trials as having positive effects on gut inflammation and gut permeability. Researchers at Hamamatsu South Hospital in Japan commented that curcumin’s “inhibitory effects on major inflammatory mechanisms […] and its unrivaled safety profile suggest it has bright prospects in the treatment of IBD.” #5 – Turmeric Can Replace Steroids Many dogs are on steroids for allergies and joint pain – but some studies show curcumin is just as effective as steroids. And the authors note: “The lack of side effects with curcumin is its greatest advantage compared with corticosteroids.” And a study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology shows that combing curcumin with a steroid reduced the side effects of this dangerous medication. And that’s the main benefit of turmeric – not only can it work just as well as many prescription and over-the-counter drugs, it doesn’t carry the same nasty, unwanted side effects. How To Give Your Dog TurmericSo if you’re ready to give your dog turmeric, there are a few things you need to know. The curcumin in turmeric is hard for your dog to absorb if it’s given by itself. So it’s important to combine turmeric with a healthy oil like coconut oil. This can increase the absorption significantly. Dr Michael Greger MD also found that a phytochemical in black pepper called peperine that can increase the absorption of curcumin by up to 2,000%. So you can’t give turmeric by itself and expect good results. But here’s a simple recipe you can make at home Read more here>>Info Source: www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/turmeric-dogs/
Yorkshire Terrier Hypoglycemia Relief Multi-vitamin Drops your dog will love.
(Puppy & Adult Dog Dietary Supplement) Our multivitamin mineral drops are made to help and relive Hypoglycemia by adding glucose and nutrition to the body and building their immune system. *Hypoglycemia is the medical term for low blood sugar, which is a condition in which there is a drastic, sudden drop in the level of blood sugar in the puppy. In small breed puppies Yorkies are one of the most common. (A must have for every Yorkshire Terrier owner great for other toy dogs to.) Full of nutritional Moringa multi-vitamins helping maintain good healthy and preventing Hypoglycemia events and other problems. *Causes and Signs: Episodes of hypoglycemia often occur without warning. A puppy may be stressed by shipping, or because of their tiny size toy puppies cannot eat a lot at one time, and literally run out of fuel quickly, being chilled, or even exhaustion from too much play may cause the body to use up more sugar than is available. For the young pup prone to this condition, even a brief period of fasting in a toy breed puppy can trigger a hypoglycemic "attack". of an attack are a weakness, confusion, wobbly gait, frothing or drooling from the mouth - sometimes even a seizure and drain of blood from the head. A check of the gums will show them to be pale, almost a grayish white in color rather than a healthy bright pink. The puppy can go into shock and, if not cared for properly and promptly, may even die. *Hypoglycemia can be prevented when you are prepared. It's recommend that you have our Yorkie hypoglycemia Relief Multivitamin Drops on hand for all emergencies and especially when you travel with your yorkie. Use: Drop 1-2 droppers a day, let them lick it or under pets tongue, or massage drops on gums daily or as needed. Now Buy 1 get 1 Moringa Hypoglycemia Relief Multi-Vitamin Drops!
info Source: www.yorkshireterrierguide.com
The health issues of Yorkshire Terriers can either be acquired, hereditary, or inborn. Getting familiar with the health threats that affect the wellbeing of your Yorkie can enable prevention, early recognition and eventually make him feel loved and taken care of.
Pancreatitis: Pancreatitis is a swelling of the pancreas. An aggravation of the pancreas happens when the compounds the pancreas discharges begin to consume the pancreas itself. The reason for this is obscure, yet potential conclusion covers genetics, medications, hereditary qualities, toxins, too much fat in the blood, and dietary issues.
- Loss of appetite
- Faintness/sluggishness
- Discomfort or distention of the abdomen (Yorkie seems uncomfortable or overfed)
- Diarrhea
- Dehydration
- Curved back
- Recurrent vomiting
- Fever
- Genetic tendency (in some cases)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Certain treatments or other toxins (includes calcium, phenobarbital, thiazide diuretics,salicylates, vinca alkaloids, cholinesterase inhibitors, l-asparaginase, potassium bromide, azathioprine, and estrogen.
- Hypothyroidism (or other endocrine ailments)
- A history of dietary recklessness (If you let your dog eat anything)
- Heaviness/Fatness/Obesity
- A high-fat intake (when a Yorkie gets one huge serving of fatty food in one serving)
- Severe direct trauma

- Honking cough
- Lack of willingness to exercise
- Difficult breathing
- A bluish trace to the gums
Luxating PatellasLuxating patella is when the kneecap pops out of place. Generally, luxation in Yorkies is a genetic condition, however, in can be a product of an injury. A Yorkie may encounter trouble walking since his kneecap snaps. This situation will have an impact on both legs and be able to leave a pooch crippled if he is weighty or heavy as a result of the additional weight on his knee joints. It likewise puts extra weight on different tendons in a pooch’s knees.
- Unusual posture of the hind legs
- Sporadic way of walking
- Limp or trouble walking
- Bandy-legged posture
- Hopping when running
- Discomfort when walking or leg is painful when touched
- Becomes inattentive after which it turns into lethargic.
- Weakness
- Confusion
- Shaky stride
- Frothing
- Salivating from the mouth area or possibly even a seizure.
- Body is going to be limp
- Unconscious
- Stress (Includes adjustment in surroundings, teething, weaning, inoculations, shipping, cold environment, over-handling, bacterial infections, intestinal parasitic organisms, etc.)
- Illness (Yorkies don’t eat well when they are sick)
- Activity (Too much activity makes them to forget to eat)
- Exposure To Low Temperatures
In minor cases, there could be no sign and the Yorkshire terrier will not have any difficulty that is serious enough to obstruct his/her day-to-day activities. This ailment can only be detected when a full eye examination is being done. If a Yorkie has retinal folds, this only produce minor blind areas and the dog will make changes and be able to perform just fine.
In moderate to severe cases, this ailment disturbs the Yorkie’s visualization. You may observe that the pup:
- Bumps into things
- Seems confused
- Falls down when walking around or going upstairs
- Navigates around objects
- Inherited
- Trauma to the eye or damage from an infection
- Herpes infection, prenatal infections with Parvovirus and exposure to some toxins (theory only).
Author a Yorkie Lover!
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4 Resources For Easing A New Pet Into Your Home-Based Business
Abandoned Yorkie
About Moringa Yorkies
About Yorkies
About Yorkshire Terrier Breed
Adopt Yorkshire Terriers
A Holiday Gift-Giving Guide For Dog Lovers
Airedale Terrier Puppies
Baby Doll Face Yorkie Puppies For Sale
Baby Doll Face Yorkies
Beautiful Home As A Dog Owner
Best Yorkie Breeders
Best Yorkie Shampoo
Beware Of Puppy Mills
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Buy Turmeric For Pets
Califorina Yorkie Breeders
Califorina Yorkies
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CBD Hemp Oil For Pets
CBD Oil De Wormer
CBD Oil Lotion For Pets
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Fragrance Oil Cbd
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From Passion To Practice Creating A Flourishing Veterinary Clinic
Furry Friends Help Seniors Feel Less Lonely
Grooming Yorkies
Handy Apps For First-Time Dog Owners
Healthy Yorkies
How A Pet Can Improve Mental Health
How To Bring Your Pup Out In Public
How To Help Fido Get Fit
How To Modify Your Home To Keep A Senior Yorkie Comfortable
How To Protect Yourself From Mosquitoes And Ticks
How To Spoil Your Dog
How To Transform The Lives Of Needy
How To Transform The Lives Of Needy Animals In Your Community
Hypoallergenic Hair
Indie Puppies
Inland Empire CA
Keep Your Dog Safe From Hidden Home Toxins
Merle Yorkies
Micro Yorkies
Mirco Teacup Yorkies In California
Mirco Yorkie's Near Me
Moringa For Pets
Moringa & Healthy Yorkies
Moringa Multi-Vitamins
Moringa Parvo Liquid For Dogs
Moringa Pet Food
Moringa Yokies
Moving With Your Dog
Multi Vitamins
Natural Parvo Treatment
Natural Rat Poison Remedy
Natural Yorkie Products
New Born Yorkie Terrier Puppy Sleeping
New Yorkie Puppy Litter
Now Is The Perfect Time To Start That Dream Pet Care Business In Sacramento
Nutritional Herbs
Older Yorkies
Our Pets And Rat Poison Natural Treatments
Overweight Pet
Paisley Terrier
Parti Yorkies
Paw Balm
Pet Sitter
Pyometra Dogs
Pyometra Natural Remedy
Quality Yorkie Puppies
Quick Tips To Prevent Doggie Disasters At Home
Rat Poison In Dogs
Re-locate Your Dog
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Senior Yorkies
Service Dogs
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Silver Water For Dogs
Smokey The Yorkshire Terrier
Socal Yorkies
Socal Yorkie Terriers
Stud Services
Tail Docking
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Yorkie Fresh And Fly Paw Balm!
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Yorkshire Terrier Relief Multi-vitamin Drops
Yorkshire Terriers
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