Moringa Silky Coat 3pc (Dog Shampoo & Conditioner Set) Regular or Problem skin (stop itch)
All Natural gentle shampoo & conditioner for dogs. *Softens dog’s coat, face, and skin *Blended with Herbal Extracts with efficacious and gentle cleansing ingredients *pH-balanced formula will leave coat and skin clean with a light and refreshing scent. 1 Shampoo 1-Conditioner 1-Coat Sheen Detangling Conditioning (Leave in Spray) ![]()
Our Products Contains Superfood Moringa:
*Moringa is loaded with nutrients like calcium, vitamin A, B, C, D, E; minerals like copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, silica and manganese. Moringa has moisturizing and nourishing properties *Has high content of vitamin A, thus promoting hair growth *Zinc and silica along with vitamin A which helps prevent drying and clogging of the sebaceous glands. *Powerful antioxidant that stimulates blood circulation around the scalp *A-Z vitamins and Minerals, 18 amio acids *All Natural and Organic Ingredients *NO Toxic Fragrances which are toxic to people and pets. *PH Balanced *No Tea Tree Oil *Cruelty Free Use: #1 Massage shampoo onto dog coat rinse with warm water,#2 add conditioner into dogs coat leave on a few minutes then rinse with cool water. #3 Continue with light blow dry using the Coat Sheen Detangling Conditioning (Leave in Spray). (Order Yorkie Shampoo Set)
Miss Indie likes to be groomed she always cool and calm. I started DIY grooming my yorkies because I know their personalities and wanted them to be at ease. After learning about how fragrances are toxic to dogs and many of the dog shampoos/conditioners on the market have a lot of toxic fragrances in them. So we created a line of all natural shampoo and conditioners (#MoringaSilkyCoat) healthy dog shampoo, using only beneficial plant extracts and essential oils. Our yorkies stay fresh and clean, free of fleas and skin problems. I will be making DIY grooming videos to show how easy it can be once you and them get use to it...
(Order Yorkie Shampoo Here) ![]()
(Order Moringa Parvo Treatment Here)
Moringa Parvo Treatment 100% Natural Herbal Ingredients. This Liquid can be used prophylactically to prevent parvovirus. Parvo Relief Treatment All Natural Liquid! *For Adult dogs and Puppies *Family remedy that has worked for many years) Our Formula has been very helpful in preventing and relieving the deadly parvo virus if contracted. Made with 100% all natural ingredients, enzymes and herbs which help calm the tummy, soothing and healing to the animal's digestive tract system and addresses other general and nonspecific gastrointestinal problems too. It is also an immune booster and when administered before symptoms arise, can prevent your pet, even puppies, from contracting parvovirus. It can help stop vomiting and diarrhea associated with environment changes or caused by diet changes. ![]()
If they do come across the parvo virus it will help pass the virus through with no harm to the body.
It can help stop bloody diarrhea and ease fever. Helps prevent dehydration. Can ease travel discomfort alleviate gas bloating/colic. Increases appetite. Excellent for any intestinal distress. *This formula can also be used as a preventative to stimulate and support the immune system when a dog may have been exposed to any health threatening condition. Its also boost the immune system, and bring back appetite and help overcome the parvo virus disease and other similar parvo symptoms. *The oral drops should be administered to mouth. For puppies who have been exposed to the parvovirus. Doses orally 5-7 times daily to ALL puppies who have been exposed to the parvovirus and are currently exhibiting early stage/symptoms. Continue application for up to 5-7 days. Article by Moringa yorkie Terriers ![]()
Lets remember people, as history will reflect the origination of the yorkshire terrier came about due to the clydesdale terrier, the paisley terrier, which two are now extinct, the skye terrier and the airedale. This also broadens an understanding of their different hair textures to the merle and other color recessive gens. Bringing about: merle, chocolate, parti, black, gold, white just to name a few. Making these genetic beauties as much of a pure breed than the parents. 'How could they not be, I once questioned?' Before the wife put me up on game about some registries failing to acknowledge the "truth" to show more favor for the traditional black/tan turn to silver coated yorkies. Okay, their rules are their rules, but to the contrary, champion bloodline is champion bloodline. Red blue black or purple, if the grandparents and the great grandparents were deemed AKC or CKC registered on both sides of the family. Then the Heifers and males are connected alike also favored as truly 100% pure breed. This should automatically grant registry availability within AKC or CKC. Nevertheless, a separate registry was implemented called the APRI. For the merle and other colors of yorkies, in our opinion, this is merely an insult to lower the value of a made champion. We at Moringa Yorkie Terriers have introduced a stronger more vibrant breed of yorkshire terrier striving for change owning stability and pet luxury to its core. With us you'll get what you pay for, if not more! We don't sell under aged, sick, nor abused yorkies! Our teacups weight range comes starting at 4 pounds or less. As for a toy size yorkie, they start off at 5 pounds or more. We provide certificates of pedigree per request which of course will cost more than the standard price. Adoption for 'pet only,' the prices are final and no additional fee's will bee requested once the total is paid...unless shipping or other noted arrangements are implied! As a part of our process for safety and security, we ask all potential pet owner's to fill out our adoption form to give us a briefing of their person and living conditions. Once you return this form to us we'll contact you to explain further deposit details and other need to know information about the fur baby you've chosen. To proceed, on a week to week basis maybe more, videos and photos will be emailed to the buyer as a progress report up and not limited to 9 weeks or when the adoption is deemed safe by the breeder. There are No visiting schedules before pick-up per the curtesy of completing puppy vaccinations and to lesson chances of contaminants of parvovirus, distemper along with other deadly infections. Respectfully we are honored to assist those seeking to add a high valued family member to their home, place of business, their vehicle (while supervised) or just a showcase carry bag to share their extreme elegance with the world.
We are Moringa Yorkie Terriers...A Quality Like No Other Author C.Epps II
(NewsUSA) – Many older adults experience feelings of loneliness and isolation as they age, but pets can provide the companionship and love seniors desire. A new survey conducted by Home Instead, Inc., franchisor of the Home Instead Senior Care Network, found regular interaction with animals can help to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness in older adults.The most frequently cited benefits of pet ownership are company, comfort, unconditional love, entertainment and improved mood. In fact, 86 percent of pet owners agree they would be lonelier and less happy without their pet, and 58 percent agree that they would not be as physically healthy without their pet.
The companionship and love provided by a pet can be especially meaningful for those most at risk for isolation. Home Instead found that pet owners who live alone are significantly more likely to report increased benefits of pet ownership.Owning a pet can also be an important factor for seniors deciding where they will live as they age. According to the survey, 82 percent of older adults say they will not consider moving to a senior living community without their pet.While interaction with animals has been shown to improve mental and physical well-being in older adults, research from Home Instead confirms that seniors don’t need to own pets to experience the benefits. Those who regularly interact with, but don’t own, pets report feeling better just spending time with animals owned by family, friends and neighbors. ![]()
There are many ways seniors can interact with animals without taking on the responsibility of pet ownership. Here are a few ideas:* Volunteer at a rescue organization or animal shelter. Many rescue organizations and animal shelters could use an extra hand. Seniors can help provide care for animals, including feeding, watering, restocking supplies, washing dishes, walking dogs, cleaning cages and enclosures or socializing with the animals. Volunteers experience the benefits of interacting with pets, and they can provide some care to an animal in need.
* Get to know your neighbors’ pets. Seniors who regularly walk their neighborhoods will likely see pet owners walking their dogs. Asking to join them for a walk might lead to new friendships with neighbors and dogs. * Connect with a therapy animal. Pet Partners therapy teams, made up of a pet owner and his or her registered animal, go into many locations where seniors are living or being treated, such as hospitals, hospice centers and care communities.* Visit a pet store. Some pet stores sell small animals, such as guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, gerbils, mice, rats, certain geckos, bearded dragons, snakes, and specific types of frogs, birds and fish. Visiting can provide a pet fix!With so many options available, finding the right animal interaction for each individual should be as easy as a walk in the dog park.To help older adults determine what type of pet interaction is right for them, the Home Instead Senior Care® network is offering free information and tips to help seniors incorporate animals into their lives. To learn more about how older adults can bring animals into their lives, visit PetsandSeniors.com or contact your local Home Instead Senior Care office or www.homeinstead.com.
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It was two weeks before my 50th birthday.
I was overlooking our back yard only to notice my boy pitbull relieving his morning constitution but not my girl. Therefore, I sandled up, toes exposed for these buff black desert ants to have their way if I’m not quick to get my business done. Half way across my yard, I gives up the call, ‘Jesus Christ’ and my boy stood at attention while posted at his yard gate, but still my girl is a no show. Anxiously reaching their dog house, as I looked in, I could see my girl laying on her back looking pregnant and/or bloated. ‘Come Girl’, I ordered, and my girl struggled to her feet appearing to be poisoned like the last incident. Immediately, we report to the kitchen patio where the wife could get an assessment and a remedy ready for consumption. While we discussed what to use a foul odor reeked from my girl “pitbull” that’s when I got a visual of the blood leaking from her area. As I flashed back to her 2014 poisoning with hopes to recollect if this bloody deal occurred last time? The wife would confirm that it did. Sending us into action, we blended the same remedy that worked the first time but after a few hours we noticed the swelling going down but the bleeding became intense to the point she was leaking nickel size puddles. For a minute I wondered if our vitamins K was a little under the dosage for her size, nevertheless my futile thoughts became useless when the wife dug up more research on Google defining the different types of cancers dogs can suffer from to the symptoms of (open) Pyometra. Once collecting our thoughts, we realized that we were facing an up hill battle with an infection of the Uterus. Google we have a problem; and like clock work a remedy was given in the form of turmeric root powder, 1000mg vitamin C and Manuka honey. Taking other reviews into consideration, I’ve learned to keep a bottle of amoxicillin on ice. This works great even for the mildest of colds in humans. Adding 250mg of this every 12 hours to this honey mix instantly got the swelling to go down by 90%, even My dogs appetite would turn around for the better, making this another success story but a hard lesson learned. Author C.Epps II ![]()
Here at Moringa Yorkie Terriers, we pride ourselves in the field of love, security, enduring health and a royal yorkie breed prepped for further training as your daily service dog and protective house pet. Conditioned and following the suit of their parents, not to mention their grandparents champion bloodline. At just weeks old, we’ve noticed different attributes personality gifts from litter to litter. Our AKC, CKC, to our APRI registered European bloodline; comes with a historical intelligence added to their showcase look making quality evident. Let’s make no mistake about it though; some Yorkshire Terriers can be high maintenance. You see, there are (3) hair types to the Yorkie breed; (1) The silky coat (2) The wavy coat and (3) The cotton coat. All are hyperallergenic leaving no worries for those with allergies. On the other hand, grooming services to the size poop one is willing to have to deal with can make all the difference in the luxury of having a yorkie. On the issue of too much yapping, we have mellow time enjoying jazz, aroma therapy, to offering plenty of personal attention with “baby-talk” and pet messages.
Taught the first command, ‘No No! We captivate their attention, reward when necessary and chastise with voice and hand gestures. Using two hand claps to signify the No No order, this also gets their attention ready for the next command. A ball toss or told to sit, our grade of Yorkie Terrier comes more than ready to be fully utilized by the finest of family and loved ones. The question is; would a 4 pound tea cup yorkie be the ideal size for you? Or would you rather consider a 5 to 7 pound Toy size which is less expensive and comes with less chance of an injury occurring. Also, with respect for the history of the Yorkshire Terriers health. All glory to our Heavenly Father for continual blessing our yorkies with absolute superb health. Physical after physical, our short list of veterinarians never fail to stroke our ego’s by closing an exam stating, ‘another well loved pup with no signs of genetic defects.’ Welcome to a stronger, healthier and more promising Yorkie breed! Moringa Yorkie Terriers... Author C.Epps II
In August of 2014, our pitbull, “Christ” is her name, reported to the patio door appearing to be a drunkard. Realizing, she must have gotten hold to a poisoned rat or a squirrel, I rushed her off to a veterinarian hospital in Riverside. Here I was told by a female veterinarian of the different prices I could choose for various procedures but that there was still no guarantee our family pet would make it out of this alive. To pick the vets mind, I asked, ‘what could I do myself for my dog if I didn’t have the funds to pay them?’ and she would reply, ‘to keep her hydrated, draw out the poison and to change her diet permanently’. Also placing emphasis on giving Christ a shot of antibiotics which only cost $60 bucks or so. I went on and confided in the lady, only to be offered more game on vitamins A thru K, to the hydrating method utilizing pedialyte. Tossing this knowledge back and forth as i head back to the house. The wife phones my cell to get in on the gathered information. And like Johnny on the spot, she had Google voice sounding like the auction guy in the background. Before I could touch back down at the crib, the Mrs. had read up on the killing process of different poisonings. Most are meant to destroy the intestinal tract and immune system causing bleeding out, vomiting, lethargy and a lost of appetite. To counter exactly this, we used pure moringa leaf powder, (1) banana, vitamin K-advanced K2 complex supplement and activated charcoal mixed with pedialyte.
The most important about a poison is to draw it out and keep your pet hydrated. The vitamin K will help the blood to coagulate before the toxins begin to destroy cells and tissue. Trying not to panic due our dogs lack of appetite; the challenge of feeding her orally became a smoothie drink process that had to be administered every 2 hours on the hour. Once spotting signs of an appetite to more wagging of the tail indicating a mood change, we over zealously fed her some chicken strips mixed with her regular dog food. Immediately she relapsed back to the beginning state of the poisoning. In disbelief, upon noticing this, I could only reflect back to old news topics speaking on antibiotics being injected in the food today. Amazing I thought, as the wife and I began to brainstorm further on this issue, we had to admit that Google played a key roll with their never ending search engine results. To make this desperate story final, our girl, “Christ” made a full recovery within days after the initial poisoning only to be in such a detoxed condition, she got pregnant almost immediately and later delivered (7) healthy baby boys. Author C.Epps II |
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