Moringa Paws Anti-Mange Oil For Dogs
Moringa Paws Natural Mange Treatment For Dogs
This herbal mange oil, helps heal and kill Demodectic Mange parasites and other skin problems naturally.
*Our natural organic Mange-Parasite Oil remedy smothers mites, lice, and other microscopic parasites while it heals and soothes the rough, dry, irritated skin. Mange-Parasite Oil kills parasite eggs, so helps prevent the hatching egg cycle. rashes, hot spots, insect bites, cuts and
*All mite, lice, and other parasite infections are very contagious, so all pets and animals are often treated simultaneously.
Mites, lice, and other parasites affect those with a lowered immune system, so it is always of utmost importance to keep the human, pet, and animal immune system strong and healthy.
*Moringa oil, neem, oregano oil, essential oil blend.