Organic Moringa Powder For or your Pets!
Organic Moringa Leaf Powder for your Pets!
MORINGA in your dog diet for LIFE!!!!
All Moringa is not same, our Moringa is grown organically here in California. And harvested fresh unlike Moringa coming from other countries that have been irradiated which kills the natural enzymes.
Organic Moringa Powder For Your Dogs
Why is Moringa Better than other vitamins? Well Moringa come from a plant. The Body absorbs Plants better than regular vitamin and minerals without the fillers that can cause toxic adverse side affects.
The importance of having Moringa in your pets diet!
Good eating habits apply to our pets also, Moringa a Superfood full of vitamins minerals, amino acids and enzymes, Helps Keep your Pets Healthy by building their immune system. Moringa is also used to control intestinal parasites
which can be common in animals.
How do we give Moringa to our pets?
We add our Moringa Leaf powder to our animals food on a daily basics.
*A-Z superfood stops malnutrition feeds the body
*Build immune System
*Produces more breast milk
*Helps prevent less miscarries in fetus
*Kills intestinal parasites common in dogs
*Increase energy
*Prevents eye problems which Yorkies are prone to.
*Promote Healthy Hair & Skin
*Help treat and prevent over 300 diseases
*Help Prevent Hypoglycemia